Saga frontier gameshark codes
Saga frontier gameshark codes

saga frontier gameshark codes

Simply go to the Junk Shop in Scrap (located in the lower right hand corner) and pay the shopkeeper for your choice of items (you can pick 7.) After taking your items from the barrels and boxes, go and talk to the shopkeeper again. Money can be pretty hard to come by, but there is a way to gain access to an infinite amount of funds: This is a special weapon because it's a KATANA BLADE with the ATTACK POWER of 55.

saga frontier gameshark codes

But I." and if your strong enough you will surprisingly be granted a Comet Blade. Here stands the Blade God and Gen says that ".the Blade God grants swords to all the talented swordsmen. You have now reached, The Blade Chamber, as Gen claims. You will now reach a little storage hallway with a rolly-polly monster lurking around, run past him and head through the doorway to the west. Now you will be on the other side of that ruined shack, notice the stairs to the right, descend down them. You will now be an another path, similar to the one you walked on after being redirected from the ruined shack, run strait through. Now you should see a mech right in front of you, run in his direction, dodge him, and keep running down to get to another screen. Now you see a set of staris with a gap in the middle, jump the gap and dodge the mech monster then run to the next screen. You come to an alley with a bunch of monsters, try your best to run past them and make it to the next screen. This is were Gen will say "This Way", again, BUT.instead of following him down, go strait UP (north) instead. You will come to a path surrounded by rubble that leads to yet another screen. So go the other way (to the right (east) of the screen outside of the shack) and you will come to another set of stairs, run up them dodging the warrior and weird bat monster and push ahead to the next screen. Next you will see an entrance strait ahead, but with further investigation you will find that there is no way in through there, you will have to get in another way. The first time you see him he leads you up (north) and to the right (east), on the next screen you should see a set of stairs, dodge the boar and the warrior and run up the stairs and then UP (north) to the next screen. Once you land ask the skeleton for the boat and he will deliver you to Wakatu, once on land enter the fortress.Īfter entering, you will begin to wonder the ruins, but not without guidance, Gen is there to tell you which way to go. Once your party has reached an average level of 375-500 HP go to Wakatu for the last card. Take your time and leave the sword card (the card in Wakatu) for last. Once you get the chance to freely roam the regions go to Devin and start the card quest. While playing Rikki's quest you obtain Gen very early on while at Scrap.

Saga frontier gameshark codes